Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Table of Common Ka Values for Weak Acids

Ka is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation reaction of a weak acid. A weak acid is one which only partially dissociates in water or an aqueous solution. The value of Ka is used to calculate pH of weak acids. The pKa value is used to choose a buffer when needed. Choosing an acid or base where pKa is close to the pH needed gives the best results. Relating pH, Ka, and pKa pH, Ka, and pKa are all related to each other. For an acid HA: Ka [H][A-] / [HA]pKa - log KapH - log([H]) At the halfway point on an equivalence curve,  pHpKa Ka of Weak Acids Name Formula Ka pKa acetic HC2H3O2 1.8 x 10-5 4.7 ascorbic (I) H2C6H6O6 7.9 x 10-5 4.1 ascorbic (II) HC6H6O6- 1.6 x 10-12 11.8 benzoic HC7H5O2 6.4 x 10-5 4.2 boric (I) H3BO3 5.4 x 10-10 9.3 boric (II) H2BO3- 1.8 x 10-13 12.7 boric (III) HBO32- 1.6 x 10-14 13.8 carbonic (I) H2CO3 4.5 x 10-7 6.3 carbonic (II) HCO3- 4.7 x 10-11 10.3 citric (I) H3C6H5O7 3.2 x 10-7 6.5 citric (II) H2C6H5O7- 1.7 x 105 4.8 citric (III) HC6H5O72- 4.1 x 10-7 6.4 formic HCHO2 1.8 x 10-4 3.7 hydrazidic HN3 1.9 x 10-5 4.7 hydrocyanic HCN 6.2 x 10-10 9.2 hydrofluoric HF 6.3 x 10-4 3.2 hydrogen peroxide H2O2 2.4 x 10-12 11.6 hydrogen sulfate ion HSO4- 1.2 x 10-2 1.9 hypochlorous HOCl 3.5 x 10-8 7.5 lactic HC3H5O3 8.3 x 10-4 3.1 nitrous HNO2 4.0 x 10-4 3.4 oxalic (I) H2C2O4 5.8 x 10-2 1.2 oxalic (II) HC2O4- 6.5 x 10-5 4.2 phenol HOC6H5 1.6 x 10-10 9.8 propanic HC3H5O2 1.3 x 10-5 4.9 sulfurous (I) H2SO3 1.4 x 10-2 1.85 sulfurous (II) HSO3- 6.3 x 10-8 7.2 uric HC5H3N4O3 1.3 x 10-4 3.9

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Changes that Came About after the American Revolution

After the American Revolution, Americans, who were free of British control, started to reevaluate politics, the economy and society. The American Revolution changed American considerably politically because Americans rely on democracy rather than monarchy, socially because the roles of certain social groups experienced a nuance change, and economically because the Americans freed themselves from having to send their raw materials to England and created their own currency. With these changes also revolved some aspects that this soon to be strong country still has today. When first breaking away from Britain, Americans wanted their government to not resemble Britain’s at all. To do this, the 13 colonies wrote the articles of confederation to form a completely different type of government. However, the government under the Articles had virtually no power because it couldn’t raise money through taxes. Due to this they knew that they had to call in for a more centralized gov ernment. As the constitution was written and it was in the process of being ratified by all the states, the federalist papers written mostly by Alexander Hamilton were written. In one paper by James Madison, he writes â€Å"Ambition must be made to counteract ambition† (Document I), this was the beginning of the invention of the checks and balances system that we use today as well. After the Constitution was ratified it both similar and different to the British government. This was one of the greatest goals theyShow MoreRelatedRevolutions are usually described as â€Å"radical† events. A â€Å"radical† event is defined as one that700 Words   |  3 PagesRevolutions are usually described as â€Å"radical† events. A â€Å"radical† event is defined as one that greatly changes the political, cultural, social, and/or economic nature of a society. I believe that the American Revolution was a radical event that dramatically changed our society. 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The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states bu t by the appearance of the newRead MoreHistory : The American Revolution1442 Words   |  6 Pagesmoral quality, which was strongly held in the people’s hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most important chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the newRead MoreThe American Revolution Was A Political Disturbance That Happened Between 1765 And 1783893 Words   |  4 Pages The American Revolution was a political disturbance that happened between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies disallowed the British monarchy and aristocracy. Which they then overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America. Beginning in 1765, members of the American colonial society prohibited the authority of the British to tax them without colonial representatives in the government. The Patriot leadership professed the political

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Silent Movies (Summary) Free Essays

SILENT MOVIES Talk to people who saw films for the first time when they were silent, and they will tell you the experience was magic. The silent film, with music, had extraordinary powers to draw an audience into the story, and an equally potent capacity to make their imagination work. They had to supply the voices and the sound effects, and because their minds were engaged, they appreciated the experience all the more. We will write a custom essay sample on Silent Movies (Summary) or any similar topic only for you Order Now The audience was the final creative contributor to the process of making a film. The films have gained a charm and other worldliness with age but, inevitably, they have also lost something. The impression they made when there was no rival to the moving picture was more profound, more intense; compared to the easily accessible pictures of today, it was the blow of a two-handed axe, against the blunt scraping of a tableknife. The silent period may be known as â€Å"The Age of Innocence† but it included years unrivalled for their dedicated viciousness. In Europe, between 1914 and 1918 more men were killed to less purpose than at any other time in history. In publications of the time, one reads horrified reactions against films showing â€Å"life as it is†. You did not leave the problems at home mere1? to encounter them again at the movies. You paid your money initially, for forgetfulness. Gradually movie-going altered from relaxation to ritual. In the big cities, you went to massive picture palaces, floating through incense-laden air to the strains of organ music, to worship at the Cathedral of Light. You paid homage to your favourite star; you dutifully communed with the fan magazines. You wore the clothes they wore in the movies; you bought the furniture you saw on the screen. You joined a congregation composed of every strata of society. And you shared your adulation with Shanghai, Sydney and Santiago. For your favourite pastime had become the most powerful cultural influence in the world — exceeding even that of the Press. The silent film was not only a vigorous popular art; it was a universal language — Esperanto for the eyes. Although the genre of silent movie faded it the 30’s it left us plenty of short and feature-length comedies created by four greatest silent screen actors: Charles Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton and Harry Langdon. The most beloved of the four, the most appreciated by critics, Charles Chaplin, was the first to win general acclaim. Chaplin was a master of pantomime. His virtuoso improvisations quickly attracted the attention of American film-makers. At first he turned down all offers but in 1913 he finally joined Mack Sennet’s film company. His success with the public was truly unique. This fact opened great opportunities for him to start his own business. He showed rare versatility in acting as the producer-director-script-writer-musician-leading actor of his own comedies. His most famous films are â€Å"The Kid†, â€Å"The Gold Rush†, â€Å"The Circus† ,†City Lights†, â€Å"Modern Times†. Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton’s contribution to the genre has been profound as well. Both comedians used story material of a young American trying to be successful as a man, in his love and in his business. Though they were both gifted and original actors and they could match Chaplin in his skill it took them longer to receive recognition that could compete with Chaplin’s fame. However by the early 1920’s both Lloyd and Keaton were already well-known to the public and could start producing feature films, which meant that they were very successful at the box-office. The fourth actor, Harry Langdon, was noted for his man-child portrait that made him different from the other major comedians of his time. The four great comedians created a great comic tradition that was carried on with the sound age. They have given us masterpieces that will never fade, and they will influence the film comedies yet to be born. How to cite Silent Movies (Summary), Papers Silent Movies (Summary) Free Essays SILENT MOVIES Talk to people who saw films for the first time when they were silent, and they will tell you the experience was magic. The silent film, with music, had extraordinary powers to draw an audience into the story, and an equally potent capacity to make their imagination work. They had to supply the voices and the sound effects, and because their minds were engaged, they appreciated the experience all the more. We will write a custom essay sample on Silent Movies (Summary) or any similar topic only for you Order Now The audience was the final creative contributor to the process of making a film. The films have gained a charm and other worldliness with age but, inevitably, they have also lost something. The impression they made when there was no rival to the moving picture was more profound, more intense; compared to the easily accessible pictures of today, it was the blow of a two-handed axe, against the blunt scraping of a tableknife. The silent period may be known as â€Å"The Age of Innocence† but it included years unrivalled for their dedicated viciousness. In Europe, between 1914 and 1918 more men were killed to less purpose than at any other time in history. In publications of the time, one reads horrified reactions against films showing â€Å"life as it is†. You did not leave the problems at home mere1? to encounter them again at the movies. You paid your money initially, for forgetfulness. Gradually movie-going altered from relaxation to ritual. In the big cities, you went to massive picture palaces, floating through incense-laden air to the strains of organ music, to worship at the Cathedral of Light. You paid homage to your favourite star; you dutifully communed with the fan magazines. You wore the clothes they wore in the movies; you bought the furniture you saw on the screen. You joined a congregation composed of every strata of society. And you shared your adulation with Shanghai, Sydney and Santiago. For your favourite pastime had become the most powerful cultural influence in the world — exceeding even that of the Press. The silent film was not only a vigorous popular art; it was a universal language — Esperanto for the eyes. Although the genre of silent movie faded it the 30’s it left us plenty of short and feature-length comedies created by four greatest silent screen actors: Charles Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton and Harry Langdon. The most beloved of the four, the most appreciated by critics, Charles Chaplin, was the first to win general acclaim. Chaplin was a master of pantomime. His virtuoso improvisations quickly attracted the attention of American film-makers. At first he turned down all offers but in 1913 he finally joined Mack Sennet’s film company. His success with the public was truly unique. This fact opened great opportunities for him to start his own business. He showed rare versatility in acting as the producer-director-script-writer-musician-leading actor of his own comedies. Read also  Summary : Love Is Never Silent His most famous films are â€Å"The Kid†, â€Å"The Gold Rush†, â€Å"The Circus† ,†City Lights†, â€Å"Modern Times†. Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton’s contribution to the genre has been profound as well. Both comedians used story material of a young American trying to be successful as a man, in his love and in his business. Though they were both gifted and original actors and they could match Chaplin in his skill it took them longer to receive recognition that could compete with Chaplin’s fame. However by the early 1920’s both Lloyd and Keaton were already well-known to the public and could start producing feature films, which meant that they were very successful at the box-office. The fourth actor, Harry Langdon, was noted for his man-child portrait that made him different from the other major comedians of his time. The four great comedians created a great comic tradition that was carried on with the sound age. They have given us masterpieces that will never fade, and they will influence the film comedies yet to be born. How to cite Silent Movies (Summary), Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Video Also Explains the Origin of the Word Strategy How

Question: What Is The Unique Value Which The Company Should Bring To The Customers? Answer: Introducation From the E-class, one of the key points I extracted from the video is the definition of strategy. From the definition, I realized that strategy is formulation of plans to establish success in a particular activity (Edna, 2013). The video also explains the origin of the word strategy. It says that this word originated from a Greek word stratigos. Because sometimes people think that business is a modern day war, modern executives need to develop a set of strategies which can enable their organizations to succeed in the competitive markets. From the video, there is an explanation of what good strategy entails. For example, a good strategy should provide answers to four key questions. The first question should be do we compete? This involves the types of market which an organization operates. The second question should be what is the unique value which the company should bring to the customers? This includes the reasons why the customers prefer choosing your products rather than those of your competitors in terms of differentiation. The next question in this case should be what are the resources/capabilities which the company should utilize to achieve value? This should include capital, superior technology, and unique reputation. Resources generally will mean the things that the company has, both tangible such as machineries and intangible such as reputation. Capabilities in this case refer to the things which the company can do (Kster, 2011). The final question should be how the company can sustain its ability to bring unique value. This involves factors that can keep the competitors from willing or able to replicate the value which the company creates to its customers. The last question focuses on the factors which make the company to continue winning over time. Based on how IKEA operates, one can learn that strategy involves techniques which challenge competitors from imitating products of another company. For example, the complex interdependence strategy makes it difficult for competitors to imitate. If the competitors must imitate this company, they must change how they design and ship their furniture. Other strategies used by IKEA include avoiding competing in the high furniture business. A clear strategy should include what the company does and what it does not do to maintain its success. From henry mintzbergs view, sometimes a strategy can be more about what one does instead of what one intends to do (Thomas, 2015). This mostly occurs when your strategy emerges when what you intend to does not line up with your plans. There are various important aspects which should go along with strategy. For example, timing is imperative because executing plans without proper time management may make one fail. Another aspect which is important in establishing strategies is opinions from experts (Anand, 2015). Since one cannot adequately cover every experts opinion in minutes, it is important to focus on the four questions discussed earlier. When ana lyzing competitors and coming up with strategies, one need to come up with answers to those questions. Like for example where do we compete, what unique value do we bring, what are the unique resources and capabilities do we utilize and finally how do we sustain our value. From this video, I believe proper strategy formulation can assist one to not only attain organizational goals but also to attain success in other aspects. For example, coming up with good strategies assists students to attain their academic goals. Strategy goes along with proper time management, analyzing what one wants to attain, and knowing resources and capabilities that would be needed to attain the best (Cater, 2010). From my experience, I think coming up with good strategy can assist students especially those who do not perform better to attain excellent results. One of the companies which I believe can use these ideas to improve its performance is 1-page limited. This company provides cloud based human resources software products which assist HR departments in sourcing and qualifying applicants as well as engaging their workforce. By the end of 2016, this company experienced serious decline in sales because of not having good strategy and other factors. Application of various ideas from this video like for example coming up with the four questions and finding their answers can assist this company to succeed. 1- Page limited should ensure all employees are engaged in working towards the success of this company through telling them the importance of working based on the organizational strategy (Kumar, 2012). The management should also apply different ideas contained in this video to not only in the production department but also in other departments. The company must understand its goal, like for example what it wants to attain in a particular time (Brian, 2012). The management should also plan how to use its resources and capabilities when formulating its strategies. From the video, it was clear that strategies work better with good time. This means when executing strategies, it is imperative to ensure proper time management is highly considered. Another way which these ideas can be applied in this company is by making the products unique to the customer and ensuring its competitors are not able to replicate them. One of the factors which triggered sales decline in this company was lack of proper planning (Marijana, 2014). Therefore, applying these ideas can assist 1-page limited to attain both long and short term goals. Most of the ideas relates very closely to various topics I have learned in this subject. For example, the definition of the word strategy, how functions in an organization and what organizations can do to make their strategies are closely related to what I have learned in different topics in this subject. The ideas provided in the video seem to be a summary of various things I have covered in this subject. From this subject, I learned that strategy is an important factor for organizations which wish to attain both long-term and short-term results. From this video, I have also learned the same thing. Generally, by relating the ideas contained in this video and what I have read in different topics of this subject, I b elieve the importance of strategy is uniform. References Anand, T. (2015). THE NAVY'S SUCCESS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF? the German Navy's Independent Energy Security Strategy, 1932-1940. Naval War College Review, 68(3), 89-98. Brian, H. (2012). Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Irish Journal of Management, 31(2), 34-78. Cater, D. (2010). Factors of Effective Strategy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from Slovenian Business Practice*. Journal for East European Management Studies, 15(3), 123-156. Edna, B. (2013). Repositioning Strategy for Malaysian Companies Internationalization. The South East Asian Journal of Management, 3(2), 344-389. Kumar, P. (2012). Collaborative Strategy - the Way Forward in Alliances and Joint Ventures: A Concept Note. IUP Journal of Business Strategy, 9(2), 95-123. Kster, N. (2011). The Market Orientation-Innovation-Success Relationship: The Role of Internationalization Strategy. Innovation : Management, Policy Practice, 13(1), 56-78. Marijana, B. (2014). Analysis of Cross-Sector Differentiation during Strategy Formulation. Journal of Economic and Social Development, 1(1), 67-89. Thomas, F. (2015). Verbeke, A., International Business Strategy: Rethinking the Foundations of Global Corporate Success, 2nd Edition. Management International Review, 55(1), 45-67.